Toffee Blog

The wonderful world of toffee, chocolate and dessert.

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Born and raised in Sydney Australia I grew restless and decided to travel the world. While abroad I spent 3 years on Oahu, Hawaii. Towards the end of my time there I met a girl, fell in love, and married her nine months later. After we settled down in Pleasanton California I found myself unhappy with the work I was doing. One day I made the decision to leave my job and start a candy company. I had no business experience, but I truly believed that I had the best tasting toffee recipe. During those early days I would make toffee out of an eight inch pot, and if I wasn’t making toffee I was selling at farmer’s markets or delivering product to stores. Since starting Shaymee’s back in January 2000 the company has grown to include many fine retailers across the country; Fred Meyer’s, Raley’s and Whole Foods to name a few. Our handmade treats are produced in small batches and made to order for freshness. Currently we are working on expanding our line of products to include handmade truffles and flavored nuts; which many of these new items are kosher and organic certified. Our mission is to provide the finest and most unique all natural Australian treats. Sincerely, Paul

Monday, June 05, 2006

Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas with Toffee Bits

Hmm… chocolate dipped frozen bananas with toffee bits.

In Australia you can find banana plantations in N.S.W, Queensland, Northern Territory, and Western Australia. One such place to visit is known as the Big Banana off the coast of Coffs Harbor in N.S.W. If you love bananas as much as I do it’s a great place to stop in and enjoy the many different treats.

Here is a tasty and refreshing treat that I like to make for the summer. Take a bunch of peeled bananas and stick a paddle pop stick (popcicle stick) up through the bottom. Then dip the little bugger’s into some tempered chocolate and then sprinkle with chopped toffee bits. Throw them in the freezer for about 30-45 minutes and then you’re ready for a lazy day under a palm tree.


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